Common Furnace Maintenance Myths Explained
One of the most persistent myths in home heating maintenance is the belief that you should change your furnace filter every single month, no matter what. At Lambert Heating & Air Conditioning, we often encounter homeowners who are unnecessarily spending money on frequent filter replacements.
The reality is that filter replacement frequency depends on several factors:
- Home occupancy levels
- Number of pets
- Local air quality
- Filter quality and thickness
For example, a high-quality 4-inch pleated filter in a home without pets might only need replacement every 6-8 months. Meanwhile, a home with multiple pets and children might require more frequent changes.
Understanding your specific situation is key to proper furnace maintenance. Our experienced technicians serving Sioux Falls, Brandon, Harrisburg, and surrounding areas can help determine the optimal replacement schedule for your system.
Signs It’s Actually Time to Change Your Filter:
• Visible dirt and debris accumulation
• Increased energy bills
• Reduced airflow from vents
• More dust around your home
Remember, over-changing filters isn’t just wasteful – it can also lead to unnecessary wear on your filter housing from frequent handling. Trust the professionals at Lambert Heating & Air Conditioning to guide you toward an appropriate maintenance schedule that keeps your system running efficiently without unnecessary expenses.
Contact us today to learn more about proper furnace maintenance and how we can help maintain your home’s comfort throughout the year.